How to export Outook 2010 autosave or autocomplete email contacts to csv format and import in other application

Hi viewers !!! in this tutorial I'll show you how
to export your outlook autosave contact to csv format so you can import all the contact in any other application.

When we use outlook and send email to anyone the outook keep those email address in their email address cache and do not save into the Contact list until and unless you click on the contact on your email address field and choose save option. So sometime you wonder when you create a new user profile for move to other application that you loose all your contacts.

One of the other good example is suppose you want to move your organization user from Outlook to web base email solution like gmail. So in this case you also need to export and import the all contacts from outlook to gmail. This is not simple as out of the box as Outlook keep the cache email contacts in different format.

However their is a way around to resolve this issue. So please view the below tutorial from start to end to know how to export the cache email address of outook to other application

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Steps by Steps How to reset USB Disk Security password

Hi viewers!!! welcome back to my blog USB Disk security is very useful and a small tool which protects your data for leaking using USB drive but to lock the USB drive to protect from any data theft we need to set the password so in this tutorial I'll show you how you can reset the password if you forget that. 

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How to create EFS storage in AWS

Hi viewers!!! in this tutorial I will show you how you can setup the EFS (Elastic File System) on AWS and then mount on your Linux machine. So let start I have also made a video tutorial on how to setup the EFS volume so please watch that also......

So first of all What is the EFS and What are the benefits of having EFS in AWS?

Here is the answer : Amazon EFS is a fully-managed service that makes it easy to set up, scale, and cost-optimize file storage in the Amazon Cloud. 

Amazon EFS file systems can automatically scale from gigabytes to petabytes of data without needing to provision storage. Tens, hundreds, or even thousands of Amazon EC2 instances can access an Amazon EFS file system at the same time, and Amazon EFS provides consistent performance to each Amazon EC2 instance. Amazon EFS is designed to be highly durable and highly available. With Amazon EFS, there is no minimum fee or setup costs, and you pay only for what you use.

All EFS file systems, regardless of size, can burst to 100 MiB/s of throughput. File systems with more than 1 TiB of Standard storage can burst to 100 MiB/s per TiB of data stored on EFS Standard. If you require higher amounts of throughput to EFS IA than your file system allows, use EFS Provisioned Throughput.

The above picture gives us a clue about how that work in AWS environment. 
Below in the picture you can find out the how it works and what steps are need to be perform 
Amazon EFS - How it works
Image source: AWS site.

Here is the video tutorial where I show all the steps to configure and mount the EFS storage on CentOS and you can also follow this article to see the steps by steps procedures to setup EFS for Amazon Linux OS.

  1. First log into your aws account and search for EFS or select the service and from there choose the EFS services as showing below.

  1. Once you click on EFS option you will see the below screen shot.
  1. Now here you need to click on the Create file system but before that Very Important: Please don’t skip this step otherwise you may be not able to mount your EFS system on machine. So what we need to do is first create your own security group by going to EC2->Security Group ->Create a New Security Group and the following rules as showing below 

Please change the source field as per your network subnet or you can use if you want to all traffic from anywhere. 

  1. So in the create the file system wizard first step is “Configure the Network Access” here in this steps you need to select your VPC for which you want to create the EFS and also you need to select the subnets of the VPC, you can select all the subnets of the VPC or any specific subnet here also. And the last one is you need to select the security group and this is very important step here choose the security group that we have created for EFS storage do not use the Default one. Please see the below picture 


  1. In next step we need to “Configure the system settings” so in this step you need to configure the tag, lifecycle management, choosing throughput mode, choosing performance mode and enable the encryption setting. We have chosen the default one you can choose as per your requirement. All these option are self-explanatory you can read more about these option in the snapshot given below 

  1. In next step we need to configure the “Client Access” we leave this section as default for this tutorial however you can make the changes as per your requirement.

  1. At last we need to review the settings and click on “Create File System”

  1. Once click on the Create File System the next screen show that the file system is successfully created but wait here you cannot mount the EFS as yet since the “mount target point” is under creating mode so we have to wait until the “mount target point” show “Available”.  Please see the below screenshots

Okay that’s it we have setup our first EFS in AWS successfully now let’s configure the client machine. I’m using the Amazon linux machine. 
  1. So first you need to ssh into your linux machine and then run the following command 
  1. Now let’s wait till the system install the require packages 

  1. Now create a directory where we can mount our new EFS system. I have created a directory name “efs” in the root directory of system. 

  1. Now mount the EFS storage on your local machine

  1. Now let’s check the EFS is properly mounted or not

Wow!!! That’s it we have done it…… one more tip if you need to mount the EFS storage on Ubuntu, CentOS or RED Hat Linux then please install the nfs-utils package on these system as showing below 

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How to setup cyberoam UTM Device after Unboxing

Hi viewers!!! in this tutorial I'll show you How to setup cyberoam Device initially after unboxing.
As you know that Cyberoam is one of the most famous product as a UTM. Cyberoam provide many features and all are the very user friendly so in the below video tutorial you will learn how to initially setup the cyberoam device after unboxing. Please watch the below video for all the require steps.

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How to add Sophos XG image on eve-ng

Hi viewers!!! in this tutorial I'll show you How to add Sophos XG image on eve-ng. As you that eve-ng is a emulation for many device like cisco, juniper, riverbed etc so in the eve-ng we can also emulate the Sophos XG firewall virtual image . This will help you to build the real type scenarios to resolve the network related issue. So please watch the video give below for all steps

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How to install Sophos XG Firewall in Vmware Workstation and Basic Setup

Hi viewers!!! in this tutorial I'll show you How to install Sophos XG Firewall in Vmware Workstation and Basic Setup.

Sophos XG is also available for virtual platform like Vmware or hyper-v so in this tutorial I'll show you how we can setup Sophos XG in VMware virtual environment and setup the basic configuration. So please see the below video for all steps

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How to Publish sever in Sophos XG firewall to access internal server from external network

Hi viewers!!! in this tutorial I'll show you How to publish sever in Sophos XG firewall to access internal server from external network

There are two type of Publishing we general use in Firewall one is known as Web publishing and other one is Server Publishing Rules which allow us to make servers and services on Firewall protect networks available to users on both protected and non-protected networks. 
In Sophos XG the publishing is known as virtual host and virtual host  Rules allow us to make popular services, such as SMTP, NNTP, POP3, IMAP4, Web, OWA, NNTP, Terminal Services and many more available to users on remote networks or on other Internal or Perimeter Networks.
Web Publishing is sometimes referred to as “reverse proxy” in which we publish our web server whereas Application server publishing rule allow us to publish non-web server like terminal server which allow the remote user to remotely login user from remote site and access the resources available on server. So no more text lets dive into this concept which I'm describing the video given below 

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How to Install and setup LDAP Account Manger 5.6 for Openldap on CentOS 7

Hello Viewers!!! welcome to my blog in this tutorial I'll show you how to how to Install and setup LDAP Account Manger 5.6 for Openldap on CentOS 7

LDAP Account Manager is a web application for managing various account types in an LDAP directory. It is written in PHP. In contrast to tools like PhpLDAPadmin the focus is account based and to give the user a more abstract view of a directory.

The LDAP Account Manager make your life easy to manage the Openldap Directory Server. So please watch the video given below for all the necessary steps to configure the LDAP Account Manager once you understand how to setup the LAM then you can setup any version of LAM. We also fixed some issue which may or may not you encounter during the setup procedure.

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How to Migrate local users to OpenLDAP Server/Database

Hello Viewers!!! welcome to my blog in this tutorial I'll show you how to migrate the local users account to Openldap server.

As you know the local user accounts authentication is only limited to local machine means that a user can only login into a machine if his or her user account is created on that machine.

So in this tutorial we'll see how we can migrate all the local user accounts to openldap server so let's watch the below tutorial

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How to Setup OpenLdap Server and client on Centos 7 Part -2

Hello Viewers!!! welcome to my blog in this tutorial I'll show you how to setup the Openldap client on CentOS 7 with SSL/TLC. This is the Second Part of Openldap Setup.

In the last tutorial we have successfully setup the Openldap server which serve as centralize authentication directory services to our client machine. Once the client is setup on the machine the user and authenticate with openldap with there openldap account. This allow the user to login on any machine with your openldap user account and access their centralize home directory. So lets we dive into this tutorial please watch the below tutorial don't skip any part.

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How to Setup OpenLdap Server with SSL/TLC on Centos 7 Part-1

Hello Viewers!!! welcome to my blog in this tutorial I'll show you how to setup the Openldap server on CentOS 7 with SSL/TLC. This is the First Part of Openldap Setup. Openldap is one of the most famous Directory Services for Organisation. This is the simplify version of Active Directory. An openldap does not provide the group policy like features but it's support for user and device account management  and also provide the centralization authentication for organisation users. Not only that openldap is also supported by many third party application which need centralize user authentication.

So please view the below tutorial for how to setup the openldap with SSL/TLS. One of the most benefit to configure the openldap with SSL/TLS is that it's give secure authentication on port no. 636 instead of Port no. 389 which is unencrypted port means send all the user information in plan text.

Trust me !!! once you setup this correctly after that you forget any issue with Directory services in our organisation until and unless you mess up with the settings.

So here is the tutorial

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How to Add Copy to/ Move to to the Windows Explorer Right Click Menu

Hello Friends!!!! Welcome back to my blog in this tutorial I'll show you how to add a very useful option in your windows Explorer right click menu.

In window or any OS whether it's Linux or MAC OS one of the most frequently task we do is copy or move file or folder from one location to another location. So to accomplice this task we have to go through few steps like first copy the file and then browse the location where you want to copy that file and then paste the file. 

We can shorten this procedure just add the copy to and move to option on our window explorer right click menu. Yes !! you red it correctly this is possible windows allow you to right click on a file, select copy to  folder or move to folder, and the move to box will pop up and let you choose a location to either copy or move the file or folder to.and here is the video in which I have described all the steps  or you can follow the steps give in this article as well...

Okay to do this we need to do some registry hack.

Very Important: Please as usual, back up your registry just in case something go wrong we can revert back. 

so lets do it....

01. First Open the registry

02. No you need to drill down to the following key


03. Now you need to add a new key here and give it value as mentioned below


04. Change the key name to "Copy to"

05. Now add a new key and name to "Move to"

06. then add the following value as mentioned below


07. That's it you don't need to restart or logoff 

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How to make shortcut for Shutdown, Restart, Sleep , Hibernate and Lock PC for window 10

Hi viewers!!! welcome to my blog so in this tutorial I'll show you how to make shortcut for
Shutdown, Restart, Sleep , Hibernate and Lock PC for window 10 please view the following video tutorial which show everything as steps by steps

You can also follow all the steps mentioned here

01. To create a shutdown icon right-clock your desktop , hover over "New"
and then select "Shortcut"

02. The "Create Shortcut" menu appears. In the text box under "Type the location of the item", type the following and then click "Next"

shutdown.exe /s /t 00

03. Now give this shortcut a name like "Shutdown" and click on Finish.

04. Now we will create a shortcut for Restart for Restart type the following as mentioned below

shutdown.exe /r /t 00

05. Now we will create a shortcut for Sleep for Sleep type the following as mentioned below

rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

06. Now we will create a shortcut for Hibernate for Hibernate type the following as mentioned below

rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState

07. Now we will create a shortcut for Lock PC for Lock PC the following need to be type as mentioned below

Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation 

That's it I hope you like this tutorial. Please do visit my blog for more useful tutorial

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How to open Securecrt session in new tab instead in a new window.

Hi viewers !!! welcome to my blog so today in this post I'll show you how you can open Securecrt session in New Tab instead to open in a new window.

SecureCRT is terminal program which is very popular among all the Cisco guys who prepare for the Cisco cert exam or even for the professional engineer. This program allow you to take terminal session of Devices. But there is one issue that annoying all the beginner users when they use SecureCRT first time.

So the issue is when a user try to open the terminal of multiple device all the session open in new window instead in new tab so in this tutorial how we can resolve that you can also view the below tutorial as given below

and you can also follow the below steps 

First go the following location 


then there you find an file name global.ini

open this file and search for single word 

you will find this line 

Single Instance"=00000000

now change it to 

Single Instance"=00000001

then save and close the file now try again to open the session this time they all open with new tab. Lets check........ see all the session are now opening with new tab.

okay our problem now resolved....

I hope you like this tutorial. Please leave comment about how you like this tutorial. Thanks!!! and have a nice day!!!.


How to setup AWS client VPN on Ubuntu OS and Resolved SSL missing & AES-256-GCM not present error

Hello Dear friends!!! in this tutorial I'll show you install AWS Client VPN on ubuntu OS. Few days back we have setup the AWS Client VPN on our AWS account to allow the remote user to access network resources of our private VPC.

The setup of AWS Client VPN on AWS is very straight forwarded you can follow the AWS Doc which described all the procedure step by step. The client side setup is also very simply for Window and MAC OS however AWS client VPN do not work out of the box on Ubuntu OS.

When we tried to install the AWS Client VPN on Ubuntu OS first we got the error of "Openssl AES-256-GCM not present error"  so the resolution of this issue is just install the latest version on Openvpn on your Linux distribution  next we try to installed the latest version of openvpn manually we got the error "configure: error: ssl is required but missing" so to resolve this issue we need to install the three dev package libssl-dev, liblzo2-dev,libpam0g-dev .

Okay enough writing , now I'm mentioning all the steps below steps by steps and you can also watch the video for all the steps as showing below

So here are the steps

01. First install the following packages

sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager network-manager-gnome network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome

02. Download the latest openvpn file from the following location 


03. Now Install the following packages first update the apt repository 

sudo apt-get update

then install the following package to compile openvpn package

sudo apt-get install build-essential

after then install the following three development packages

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install liblzo2-dev
sudo apt-get install libpam0g-dev

04. Now extract and compile the openvpn package

tar xfz openvpn-2.4.7.tar.gz

then change the current folder to openvpn extracted folder

cd openvpn-2.4.7

now run the following command one by one this will compile and install the latest openvpn

make install

to view the latest openvpn version run the following command

openvpn — version

05. Then give the normal user the sudoers right to run the openvpn as admin

sudo nano /etc/sudoers

and add the following line below the root user permission 

<username> ALL=(ALL:ALL) /usr/local/sbin/openvpn

please change <username> with the user name to whom you give the rights

06. now run the openvpn with the config file 

sudo openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/client-config.ovpn

Wow!!! now you are connected to your AWS Client VPN to access your private VPC.

That's it I hope you like this tutorial. And thanks again!!!  to visit my blog again please feel free to leave any comment or contact us if you have any queries.



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